Sunday, July 6, 2008


Yahoo........ akhirnya permintaan pelajar-pelajar wanita untuk mengadakan Pertandingan Futsal Wanita OUM Wilayah Utara tercapai jua.
Pertandingan akan diadakan pada 09.08.08 di Sg. Petani, Kedah. Penyertaan terbuka kepada semua pelajar, tutor & staff PP di Wilayah Utara iaitu:-
  • PP Kedah
  • PP Jitra
  • PP Kangar
  • PP Pulau Pinang & semua PP di bawah kelolaannya
  • PP Perak & semua PP dibawah kelolaannya

Gambar Hiasan dari UNICEF

Setiap pasukan mestilah mempunyai 6 orang peserta. Pasukan yang berminat untuk menyertai dikehendakki mengisi borang penyertaan yang boleh didapati daripada Cik Fazliana Ahmad Paiz di talian 04-4418582.

Tarikh tutup penyertaan ialah pada 30 Julai 2008.

Sarungkan jersey anda, ikatkan tali kasut, tocangkan rambut @ rapikan kain tudung, pasangkan head band, dan kita bersedia untuk bertanding.

Pada yang lain, jom kita ramai-ramai menyaksikan aksi rakan-rakan di padang futsal.........

Gambar hiasan dari KSR&K Uda Mall

Wednesday, June 18, 2008



17 - 18th June 2008 - Munaliz Hj Musa, Fazliana Ahmad Paiz & Zaiton Suib from Kedah LC, Moktar Hj Ibrahim & Norlela Abu bakar from Penang LC attended a 2-day training in Perak LC. We were taught how to prepare the QMR, Annual Budget and KPIs. The facilitator, Wan Azmi Wan Ismail was very patient with us and meticulous in detecting our mistakes. Thank you very much Wan.
For more information about our training please visit

Enjoy our photos........

Our accomodation - Syuen Hotel

Our dinner - Secret Receipe

Our breakfast - Syuen

Our lunch - Perak LC

Fruits, fruits and more fruits. We stopped by Bukit Gantang R & R to buy some fruits.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Seramai 67 orang pelajar SMP telah menjalani amali kelas pertama di Sek. Men. Teknik Alor Setar pada 14 Jun 2008. Kami akan paparkan cikgu-cikgu memotong kayu, memasang paip dan membaiki kereta pada kelas 2 mereka.

Terima kasih keapda Cik gu Nan dan rakan-rakannya (tenaga pengajar di SMTAS) di atas kerjasama yang sungguh baik.


7 & 8 June - We were at Tiara Beach Resort attending OUM Family Day.

Pn Munaliz got this........

Lucky Draw....

And made this..........

Blueberry-topped vanilla cupcake...

Oreo vanilla cupcake


And another cupcake

For more information and photos - OUM Family Day - please log on to

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Kedah LC has successfully organised it's tutors' dialogue for Semester May 2008 on the 3rd day of that month. This time around we focused on specific issues relevant to tutoring & administration of tutors. Prof. Dr. Mansor Fadzil, SVP and Puan Nik Azlina Yaacob, Head of Tutor management Unit were present. Prof. Dr. Mansor Fadzil shared his experience visiting other OUs in all continents.

Adapting a mini workshop format, we briefed tutors on their performance in OLP, OMES & TMA Online. We choose 2 tutors to share their experiences.

Later during the day, tutors were grouped in 3 big groups and they were given 3 different issues to discuss, react & make constructive suggestions to improve, in the best interest of OUM students.

ISSUE 1 – Are we coaching or tutoring?

Coaching and tutoring are both teaching and learning processes that enable individuals to achieve their full competency with reference to skills, knowledge and attitudes potential. Both have many similarities. They may be approached and undertaken in a paid (professional) or unpaid (philanthropic) context.

Coaching and tutoring both perform three broad functions. They facilitate the exploration of needs, motivations, desires, skills and thought processes to assist the individuals in making real, lasting change. Both use questioning techniques to facilitate students’ own thought processes in order to identify solutions and actions rather than take a wholly directive approach. In addition, both support the students’ in setting, achieving appropriate goals and methods of assessing progress in relation to these goals.

Therefore, coaching can be defined as a process that enables learning and development to occur and thus, performance to improve. To be a successful coach, a coach requires knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate to the context in which the coaching takes place. Whereas, tutoring can be defined as help, tuition and guidance of one person by another in making significant transitions in skills, knowledge, work or thinking.

However, it was noted that to draw a clear distinction, between coaching and tutoring is impossible. The elements in both the columns overlap and are derived based on key roles played by tutors at OUM. The conclusion is that, all tutors play dual roles; coaching and tutoring.

Three pitfalls emerged in our discussion. Firstly, coaching has to be continuous, need longer contact hours and the availability of facilities. Secondly, poor students’ attendance contributes to ineffective coaching and tutoring. Thirdly, the syllabus and scope of subject matter is too wide. Very often, content is being repeated especially for the TESL subjects Literature versus Teaching Literature, Listening / Speaking versus Teaching of listening / Speaking etc

ISSUE 2 - TMA feedbacks and comments : can we do better?

ISSUE 3 - i) Our Role : Students using TMA feedback to upgrade their marks
ii) OLP : Are we really participating ?


Majlis Ramah Mesra Pelajar-Pelajar SMK-KPM-OUM Wilayah Utara dengan Pengurusan Tertinggi OUM telah diadakan pada 23 Mei 2008.
Bertempat di Dewan Wawasan, Jitra Kedah majlis yang dihadiri oleh 190 orang pelajar,
penyelaras program, pensyarah-pensyarah telah dirasmikan oleh
Prof. Dr. Mansor Fadzil, Naib Presiden Kanan OUM.
Turut sama memeriahkan majlis ialah Prof. Dr. Latifah Abdol Latif,
Pengarah Pusat Pengurusan Pelajar, PM Dr. Widad Othman,
Dekan, Fakulti Pendidikan dan Bahasa serta Pengarah dan wakil Pengarah IPG terlibat.

Pelajar-pelajar ini datang dari 4 buah IPG di Wilayah Utara iaitu IP Perlis, IP Darul Aman, IP Sultan Abdul Halim dan IP Tuanku Bainun.

Majlis ini merupakan :-
Satu pertemuan dimana semua yang hadir saling mengenali dan mengeratkan silaturahim antara para pelajar dengan pengurusan tertinggi OUM dalam suasana yang sangat harmonis.
Satu platform bagi membincangkan pemantapan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran pelajar-pelajar program SMK-KPM-OUM.
Satu hasrat untuk melahirkan penghargaan kepada semua yang bertanggungjawab dalam menjayakan program SMK-KPM-OUM ini.
Prof. Dr. Mansor Fadzil dalam ucapan beliau telah memberi pelbagai nasihat kepada para pelajar dalam mengharungi pembelajaran dan cara-cara mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang. Beliau juga berharap pelajar-pelajar dapat menumpukan sepenuh perhatian kepada pelajaran agar dapat berjaya menjadi guru yang cemerlang kelak.
Prof. Dr. Mansor juga mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada semua yang terlibat di dalam program ini termasuk lah Pengarah, penyelaras dan pensyarah-pensyarah.



Sumber : Fotosearch

setengah biji labu manis
1/4 cawan gula merah
1/4 cawan gula pasir
2 sudu susu cair/susu segar
secubit garam
1 cawan tepung gandum
Daun pisang


1. Labu manis dipotong kecil dan direbus hingga empuk. Toskan hingga airnya kering & ditumbuk hingga lumat.
2. Campurkan gula merah, gula putih, garam dan kacau rata.
3. Masukkan tepung gandum dan gaul hingga sebati.
4. Bungkus dengan daun pisang(seperti di dalam gambar).
5. Kukus selama lebih kurang 20 minit.


Ini labu orang putih ......
(sumber : Free Foto)

Buah labu tidak mengandungi kolesterol, dan 90 peratus kandungannya adalah air. Ia kaya dengan beta-karotina yang bertindak sebagai agen antioksidan yang dapat melindungi sel-sel daripada radikal bebas, salah satu penyebab kanser.

Beta-karotina bertindak sebagai barisan pertahanan pertama di dalam badan bagi meneutralkan serangan radikal bebas terhadap sel dan sebagai antioksidan yang penting dalam memperlahankan proses penuaan serta memperbaiki sel-sel badan yang telah rosak.

Buah labu biasanya mempunyai tekstur padat dan renyah, dan mempunyai isi yang berwarna jingga atau kuning.

Biji buah labu mengandungi galian besi dan magnesium, yang sangat penting untuk kesihatan organ peranakan wanita selain kelenjar prostat pada lelaki.Hipertrofi prostat adalah salah satu penyakit yang digeruni kaum lelaki kerana kerosakan terhadap kelenjar menyebabkan kemandulan.

Kajian pelbagai pihak turut mendapati biji buah labu berupaya mengatasi masalah penyakit yang melibatkan pembesaran kelenjar prostat serta mampu mengembalikan daya seksualiti wanita.Di Eropah dan Amerika, biji labu merah popular sebagai ubat pencegah gangguan prostat.

(Sumber : Faizah Izzani Zakaria, BERNAMA)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


They use to say charity begins with us. And charity too, enlighten lives, ours and others too. At Kedah LC we provide opportunities for OUM students to address concerns of our community in a meaningful and mutually beneficial way through our Community Projects.

These projects serve as a vehicle for personal growth and leadership, while encouraging active & responsible membership in neighbouring communities. It also broadens the scope of the educational experience through service and reflection.

Our project for Semester September 2007, is Paint & Gain - Painting Bedong Old Folks Home.

Paint - it will be able to provide a new and aesthetic look for the homes
Gain - it will enlighten many hearts particularly the residents
Paint - it will provide a platform for OUM students to interact and communicate
Gain - it will help us gain and portray good image, and establish relationship

40 student, tutors 7 staff took part in the project which lasted for 4 hours. After painting one of the blocks we had lunch with the residents.

Our sponsors - OUM, Colourland & ICI Paints

Paints from Colourland arriving at Kedah LC

Here we come.....

Am I doing it right?

Chicken rice for lunch....

Once a upon a time, I was as handsome as you guys.........

Taraaaaa....mission acomplished